MAC Unsung Heroes: Swiss chocolate Eyeshadow

got a wonderful tooth?
I was at the fitness center last week when we started speaking about desserts (These are the things you do when you hang out with a lot of people who do HIIT together. You talk about desserts!), as well as the teacher, Nicol, stated that if you put anything chocolaty in front of her, she’s generally toast.

I’m the exact same method with chocolate desserts as well as eyeshadow, as well as particularly MAC Swiss chocolate Eyeshadow.


Chocolatey delicious
What’s an unsung makeup hero? For me, it’s an frequently underrated makeup morsel, a long-term collection product that scoots under the radar screen of lots of makeup enthusiasts however on a regular basis rocks my world. The long-running Unsung Heroes series features a few of my favorites.

Oh, my goodness, I’ve been using this shades for eons! — as well as I begin busting it out a lot more commonly in the autumn since I like the method it looks with vampy autumn berry, burgundy, purple as well as white wine lip shades. A bit MAC Swiss chocolate added to your eyeshadow mix ties whatever together in a DEEEEE-luscious chocolate bow.

I’m using Swiss chocolate in my crease as well as MAC Heroine Lipstick

Don’t concern the red.


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$ 42.

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Я повторяю! — do not concern the red, since matte reddish brown Swiss chocolate strikes that delicate balance between being red as well as not being as well red, so you won’t look like you’ve got demon eyes, OK?

It functions a bit like MAC Saddle in that you can do your lighter brown crease color very first (colors like Soft brown as well as Texture, by the way, look excellent in the crease with Swiss Chocolate), as well as then layer Swiss chocolate on top, however if you leave space for it to feather up into that crease color, it’ll appear to deepen your crease.

Now, instead of being an orange brown like Saddle, Swiss chocolate is a lot more of a reddish brown. It’s still warm as well as brown, however I like to wear Saddle with warm brown, peach as well as coral lipsticks as well as blushes, as well as Swiss chocolate with berries, plums, etc.

Swiss Chocolate, Soft brown as well as Saddle
Swiss Chocolate’s red tones truly make blue, eco-friendly as well as hazel eyes pop IMO, but, you know, I have brown eyes, as well as I believe it looks excellent on brown eyes, too, particularly if you do a bronzed brown or reddish brown liner like MAC Teddy or MAC Costa Riche. It’s perfection.

MAC Bamboo Eye shadow (lids), MAC Swiss chocolate Eye shadow (crease), MAC Teddy Eye Kohl (water lines as well as lower lash lines), Chanel Inimitable Mascara (lashes) as well as Covergirl Bombshell intensity liner (upper lash lines)
I’ve heard some people state that they have problems blending out Swiss Chocolate. I haven’t experienced that myself, however if it’s something you’ve run into before, right here are some things that may help. very first is to lay down a primer, of course, as well as if your primer doesn’t seem to be working well with Swiss Chocolate, try utilizing a thinner layer of primer. That seems to make the blending much easier for me.

Also, after you apply your primer, wait on it to totally dry. Then, blend a bit of transparent powder on top, since that powder will act as a buffer between your eyeshadow as well as your primer, enabling those powder grains to slip as well as slide better.

MAC Ricepaper layered beneath MAC Vanilla on my brow bone, MAC Bamboo as well as MAC Saddle in the crease, MAC Swiss chocolate on my lids as well as MAC Ricepaper in the inner corner, as well as MAC Smolder Eye Kohl topped with MAC Carbon on my upper lash lines, MAC Costa Riche on my water as well as lower lash lines, as well as Chanel Inimitable Mascara in 10 on my upper as well as lower lashes.
Swiss chocolate goes well with SO lots of traditional MAC neutrals, too. often I’ll wear it with Bare research study or Laying low paint Pot, then, like I mentioned, I’ll add Texture, Bamboo or Soft brown in the crease. then to define the crease further, I’ll add a bit Swiss chocolate in the crease as well as the outer V.

I like to utilize MAC Brule to highlight when I do a look like this, however Ricepaper looks good, too. thing is, Ricepaper’s shimmer has a lot more of a ’90s vibe (which is great, though, however it can be dated), particularly if you’re putting it along your brown bone, so I’ll normally keep it on my lid as well as in the inner corner.

A pan of MAC Swiss chocolate is offered now for $16 in the long-term line, however if you have any type of empty palettes sitting around, you can save some dough by getting one of the refill pans instead, which are $6.


Swiss chocolate is an remarkable autumn color! I hope you inspect it out sometime.

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