Friday morning mental Fog and the Orly Mash Up Collection

Orly Mash Up Collection
Day five of a really long week…

The cat woke me up this morning by leaping off my tum (specifically, my bladder). It was shocking. My pillow was wet with drool.


Two cups of coffee and I have yet to find my mojo. Где это находится? Cloudy, cloudy, cloudy in my brain…

I lumber back and forth between the kitchen and the dining room, out of sorts, my feet sliding along the tiles like a zombie dragging its foot. What should I be doing? Какой это день? Why is that large cat stalking me?

In the living room, I see the bottles on a white table, a mish-mash of sparkling green glitter, creamy pastel, a bright orange like a highway worker’s vest and a deep, dark purple that looks like the paint job on a 1970s muscle автомобиль.


Кошки и макияж Толстовка ??

$ 42.

Магазин сейчас

“How random,” I mumble into my coffee cup. “A mash-up of nail polish colors.”

My right eye twitches and time escapes me. I lose consciousness in a fog of bright color and swatches with the six-piece Orly summer Mash Up Collection while the Millionaire Matchmaker drones in the background.

This is my Friday morning so far…

Pretty-Ugly (three coats), a baby blue with subtle shimmer, really does need babying, but I love how it looks.
Mayhem Mentality (two coat), totes reminds me of those orange highway worker vests. It’s bright! and pretty smooth, too.
Choreographed Chaos (two coats) has been SO hard to work with because it’s thick, and the brush splayed, making it quite streaky. Not my favorite color of the bunch.
Harmonious Mess (one coat). super thick and opaque, and again, trouble with the brush, which I think struggles with the thicker formulas.
Beautiful disaster (two coats), a shimmery plum. This one’s easygoing, and no streaks!

Two coats of Sparkling Garbage indoors, where I think it’s just okay…
Sparkling Garbage (two coats in full sunlight). Outdoors, Sparkling Garbage is intoxicating! — which sounds like something Oscar the Grouch might say, LOL! It applies with even coverage and glimmers with sparkle for the win.

PRICE: $8.50 each
AVAILABILITY: available now at Sally beauty stores and online
MAKEUP and beauty blog RATING: B (I wish the formulas were more consistent among the colors and that the brushes handled the thicker ones better)


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